Site's Policy

Privacy Policy

The most natural treats the privacy of its customers with respect, Including users entering the site operated and owned by itAt            As well as to the users of the various services offered under it (להלןהמשתמשיםאוהמשתמש)

The purpose of the terms and conditions set forth in this Privacy Policy is to review before you, Among other things, The way in which the most natural uses of the information provided to it by the users when using the site and the way in which the user uses the existing content revealed through the site.

The terms of the Privacy Policy are set forth below, form an integral part of the Terms of Use and may most naturally change the provisions of its Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect technological, legal, business or regulatory changes. Such updates will be published in this document, which will be found in its updated format on the website. The use of the website is subject to the latest privacy policy on it, and will indicate your consent to changes to it - therefore we recommend that you review this policy from time to time.

All definitions and terms in the Privacy Policy will be implied in the Terms of Use, Unless the context of things requires otherwise.

  • Registration And delivery Security for the most natural

Some of the services on the site require the provision of personal information, like names, adress, דרכי ההתקשרות עמך וכתובת הדואר האלקטרוני שלך ו/או פרטי כרטיס האשראי שברשותך. השדות, שחובה למלא, מופיעים במפורש. יובהר כי אינך מחויב למסור פרטים אלו על פי דין, ומסירתם תלויה ברצונך ובהסכמתך החופשיים. אולם, מסירת חלקם מחייבת, היות שללא מסירתם ייתכן ולא תוכל לבצע פעולות שונות באמצעות האתר ו/או להשתתף בפעילויות שונות המוצעות בו ו/או לקבל הטבות הניתנות במסירת הפרטים (להלןמסירת The information(“

By providing the information you confirm that the information you have provided and/Or will be collected about you as part of this engagement with the most natural (להלןהנתונים (“ישמר במאגר המידע הרשום של הכי טבעי, אשר בין מטרותיו דיוור ישיר וקשר עם הלקוח, מחקר לשיפור האתר, מתן שירות ללקוחות, ניהול מכירות, שיווק וגיוס לקוחות.

As stated, there is no legal obligation to provide the information, etc.His delivery stems from your free will and consent.

The user declares and undertakes when providing the information ,, Because all the information will be provided / or updated on the site, is correct, true and accurate and in addition provided the information in his name and for himself only, and not in the name and / or for third parties, except in ways To do so, explicitly. The information provided by the user, even in free browsing without registration, as well as additional information that will accumulate about him and his actions through the site will be stored in the most natural database, listed above, and will be used in accordance with the database purposes listed in section 2.2 above and in accordance with privacy policy.

כמו כן, היות והכי טבעי מאפשרת למשתמשים שונים להגיש קורות חיים, לשם הגשת מועמדות לזכיינות בחברתשיח אמת“, המשתמש מאשר כי הפרטים אשר שלח אודותיו, לרבות באמצעות קבצי מחשב המכיל פרטים אלו, ישמרו במאגר המידע הרשום של החברה לפי חוק וישמשו למטרת מיונו לעבודה בחברה הנל. If at the end of the said screening process no job suitable for the user's skills is found, The company reserves the right to contact the user again in the future, בהתבסס על נתונים אלו, בכדי להציע משרות/אפשרויות אחרות, בהתאם לשיקול דעתה הבלעדי.

  • Collection The information and its use

The most natural may collect as well as make use of the information provided by the user during the performance of an action on the site, Even if he did not complete it (such as filling out a form or purchase), and / or information that has accumulated about the user , Including during the use of the site, in order to improve, enrich or change the site (including modification of the site presented to the user), the services and content offered on the site, and to streamline and manage the relationship with the user, and to conduct satisfaction surveys and / or Or services offered by the most natural, those on its behalf and / or by third parties with whom it is most natural to have business cooperation. In addition, depending on the purposes of the database, it is most natural to use the data and information for marketing, commercial and statistical purposes, and even to provide statistical information to third parties, including advertisers, subject to the terms of this privacy policy. Statistical information provided to third parties will not personally identify the user.

מבלי לגרוע מהאמור לעיל, Subject to the user providing his contact information for the most natural and his consent to receive direct mail and marketing messages, Be the most natural may send to the user, מעת לעת, בדואר אלקטרוני ו/או באמצעי התקשרות אחרים אשר מסר המשתמש, מידע בדבר שירותיה וכן מידע שיווקי ופרסומי של הכי טבעי. המשתמש יהא רשאי לבטל בכל עת את הסכמתו ולחדול מקבלת המידע כאמור באמצעות לחצןהסרהאשר יופיע בתחתית ההודעה וכן אפשרות מענה באותה דרך בה מוצע המשלוח עם המילההסר“.

  • Use במידע בשירות צד שלישי

Or in the details of his identity. The most natural will be to take reasonable and acceptable measures to maintain and prevent the transfer of personal information that identifies the user by name and / :

According to user's requirement and/Or with his express consent;

For the purpose of transferring them to the benefit providers and / Or the coupons given on the site (as far as possible) to users;

As part of collaborations with companies related to business with the most natural;

In any case where the user has violated the terms of use, including the terms of the Privacy Policy and / or in cases where the user has performed or attempted to perform the user and / or someone on his behalf, through the site and / or in connection with it, actions contrary to the terms of use , Including the privacy policy.

In case the transfer of your details is required for the purpose of completing an application and / or a request on your behalf and / or providing a service and / or transferring payment on your behalf.

Due to a court order instructing the most natural to hand over the information to third parties;

Due to any controversy, claim, lawsuit, demand and / or legal proceedings that will be conducted between the user and / or anyone on his behalf and the most natural and / or anyone on her behalf;

In any case where you think is most natural, That the provision of information is necessary in order to prevent serious damage to their property and / or to the body of the most natural, of the user and / or of third parties, or in order to prevent other serious damage At its sole discretion;

In the case where the offense and / or the most natural censor to a third party its activity and / or its rights and obligations towards the user, to third parties, provided that such third parties accept the provisions set out in this privacy policy.

The foregoing does not derogate from the most natural right to transfer non-personal information to third parties, which does not directly identify the user by name and / or identity.


ידיעתךהאתר משתמש בעוגיות (להלןCookiesו/אועוגיות (“For the purpose of its regular and proper operation, In order to secure the data in it and the information you provide, ובכלל זה כדי לאסוף נתונים סטטיסטיים אודות השימוש באתר, למען אימות פרטים, לשם שיפור חווית הגלישה שלך, תוך התאמת האתר להעדפותיך האישיות, להקל על גלישתך באתר, לשם אפיון המוצרים המתאימים לך, להתאים עבורך פרסומות הרלבנטיות אליך, אף בגלישתך באתרים אחרים, הכל למטרות סטטיסטיות, מחקריות ומסחריות, וכמובן לצרכי אבטחת מידע.

Cookies are text files, Which the user's browser creates on command from the most natural computers. Some cookies will expire when you close the browser and others are stored on your computer's hard drive. The cookies contain a variety of information such as the pages you visited, the length of time you were on the site, where you came from, sections and information that the user wants to see when entering the site and more. The cookie can also store information about the surfer's browsing habits on other sites, including the sites he browsed, the pages on the sites and any other action on them. The information in cookies is encrypted, and the most natural takes precautions to ensure that only the most natural computers or anyone on its behalf can read and understand the information stored in them.

The site may also use third-party cookies - for example Google cookies such as those embedded using Google Analytics, which help us to tailor the browsing experience for you. You can find more information about these cookies on the Google website at and in Facebook's cookie policy at - / cookies /.

If you do not want to get cookies, you can avoid this by changing the settings in your browser. To do this, please consult your browser's help file. Keep in mind, however, that disabling cookies may result in you not being able to use some of the services and features on the Site.

  • data Security

The company implements systems and procedures for information security on the site. While these systems and procedures reduce the risks of non-intrusion - licensed for company computers, they do not have complete security. Therefore, the company does not guarantee that the services on the site will be completely immune from unauthorized access to the information stored on them.

Thus, The most natural is constantly updated with technological developments in the fields of software and hardware – In order to provide the users of the site and its customers with the best protection against intrusion or hacking, including unauthorized access to its databases. However, the most natural clarifies that in cases which are not under its control and / or due to force majeure, it does not guarantee that the site will be run properly, without any interruption, and / or that the site and / or data collected and / or provided as above will be completely immune from Unauthorized access and / or intrusion into the most natural databases and that the user is aware that the most natural will not be liable for any damage and / or loss, direct or indirect, of any kind, caused as a result, including due to invasion of privacy.

  • הזכות לעיין במידע הנאסף

According to the Protection of Privacy Law, 5741-1981, every person is entitled to review himself, Or anyone on his behalf who has been authorized in writing or by his guardian ,, In the information about him which is in the most natural databases and even ask the most natural to correct this information if it is not correct, complete or accurate. In order to exercise this right, a written request must be sent to the most natural via the "Contact Us" tab website, or alternatively you can contact one of the contact details listed in the sections below.

אחריות המוצר: חברת הכי טבעי אינה מתיימרת להחליף טיפול רפואי או ייעוץ ע”י רופא או מטפל. החברה ממליצה להיוועץ עם איש מקצוע מוסמך לפי שימוש כלשהו בתוספי התזונה שלנו. המידע אינו מיועד להנחות את הציבור או לשמש לגביו כהמלצה או הוראה או עצה לשימוש או שינוי או הורדה של תרופה כלשהי, ואין בו תחליף לייעוץ רפואי פרטני או אחר. כל הכתוב בחוברת זו אינו מהווה המלצה רפואית מוסמכת.

The company's products are all approved by the Ministry of Health, manufactured in Israel and are under standard GMP של משרד הבריאות הישראלי. לכולם יש כשרות בד”ץ העדה החרדית ירושלים.

מדיניות החלפת מוצרים: It will not be possible to return or exchange products, for health reasons.

Cancellation of a transaction: Cancellation of a transaction will be given until 24 Hours from the date of purchase and with the participation of 10% of the purchase value.

Age restriction: Purchases on the site are allowed from an age 18 and above.


In any question and / or clarification and / Or comment regarding this Privacy Policy, Or if you want to delete, change or correct your personal information, please send an e-mail

For customer service at

* Every correspondence to the most natural should include your full details including, Contact email address, and exact details of your request. Most naturally you will try to respond to any reasonable request within a reasonable time.



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